Dengan tak de hujan atau ribut, these 2 gals, Wai Yee and Kar Lai, tiba2 nak belanja aku makan kat sini. May be sebab both of them already received their confirmation letter from WD and may be they felt that I'm such a good "teacher" to them, they treated me for lunch at this lovely place.
The 2 sweet gals with kind heart too...Kar Lai and Wai Yee
Nice and cozy place to dine.. dengan cahaya lampu yg malap..hingga merisaukan kita orang..takut tercekik tulang kambing... He..he..
Choice of drinks.. Ice lemon tea..rasa lemon tea ahhh...
Choice of the Day - Grilled Lamb with black pepper souce..yummy....daging dia tender jer...
ni lak.Kar Lai nyer..nama dish nih..chicken mushroom..dia ada jumpa chicken nyer..tapi sampai last dia tak jumpa mushroom..may be dia orang tak ingat nak bubuh kot..

or may be dia dah ganti mushroom tuh ngan nasi since dalam menu tuh..tak de nasi pun...
Apa2 pun..ziilion thanks to these 2 kind hearted gals.. dah lah masa birthday aku dulu..susah2 beli cake buat surprise banjer makan steak lak..
Hopefully, they will enjoy working with me as their lab mates. Dan dia orang nih pun tahan sabar gak ngan aku yg kadang2 naik angin..tapi yelah..masa keja banyak..then these 2 gals..tak henti2 tanya aku macam2..tapi aku angin kejap jer..lepas tuh okay balik..