Sunday, August 23, 2009

On Danish 6th Birthday Celebration Package

Dah lama tak bersiaran kat blog sendiri or menapak kat blog2 org lain. The reason is, internet kat rumah ada problem sikit.

And last Monday, 17th Aug 2009, genaplah 6 tahun umur anak bujang ku itew..
Kejap je kan? Tahun depan dah std 1.

So, on that day, aku dan Bob dah plan dah nak ambik cuti nak entertain birthday boy that day, just to ensure that birhday boy is really being appreciated since mama ngan abah, dah tak larat nak organize another birthday party kat rumah..penat sioott..he..he..

Antara package yg ditawarkan buat abg Danish..
Ben 10 bday cake..with his photo on it.

Masa mula2 bukak kotak cake kat skul Danish, beriya teacher2 dia dok cakap..hensemnya Danish. Mamat tu pun..senyum manjang je..he..he..

So, sesapa nak order cake cenggini..boleh order dari aku..oopsss..bukan..dari Cake dia mmg best, edible image nya mmg superb..mmg puas hati ahh..

Cake abg Danish dari pelbagai posisi..bersama ben10 t-shirt yg termasuk dlm b'day package gak.

So, pagi 17 hb tuh, beriya lah mama Danish menyediakan 3 juadah istimewa...

Danish suruh mama dia goreng bihun..tapi dek kemalasan mama dia..3 menu nih pun..jadi ahh..he..he..

Sebenarnya, seminggu sebelum bday Danish, aku dah call teacher Manja, dia cakap budak2 suka makan 3 benda nih,..aku pun happy jelah..since senang bangat sih..tah yah tumis bebagaikan..he..he..

Dan ni laks..goody be shared with his frens at skul.
Theme yg aku sempat grab masa kuar lunch kat Subang Parade = Mickey Mouse + Pooh.
Dan..inilah saat yg ditunggu2..
Sumer org gather around the table. They started with sumer org baca Al-Fatihah, the they sing..
Happy Birthday To You.
happy birthday to you..
happy birthday to Danish..happy birthday to you..
May Allah bless you..May Allah bless you..
May Allah bless Danish..Alhamdulillah..

mm..lain sikit bday song dia org kan? :-)
Lepas tuh sumer org menjamu selera ngan menu "istimewa" mama danish..
They loved all the food especially the crab stick..siap tak cukup lagih ..:-)
Lepas makan, sampailah upacara penyampaian goody bag oleh bday boy.
So,sumer beratur panjang...sorang2 salam dan cakap, happy birthday kat abg Danish..
Sekali MB laks anak bujang aku tuh..he..he..
And lepas sekolah, selalu dia balik ngan van..hari tuh kita pi pick up dia dan bwk pi lunch at Johnny's..
Tapi kita org tak makan steamboat pun..kita makan nasi. Yg paling best pasal tempat nih, kerabu mangga dia..mmg superb. Taburan buah gajus dia kat atas tuh yg lagih menambah selera.
Dan pankage terakhir utk abg Danish..tgk movie.tajuk Aliens in the attic..dan sebelum masuk movie..pow ice cream dulu..
Alliens in the since byk aksi2 lucu..Danish siap pow cheezels..+ large pop corn lagih..ish.selera besau betul..
Apa2 pun..apalah sgt wang ringgit compared to our love to Danish..kan? :-)