Cuti2 sekolah nih..korang pi melancong or melencung ke mana2 ke??
Kita org pi kenduri kawin kat Segamat on the 1st weekend of the school holiday, lepas tuh..tak de pi mana2 pun.
One of the reason is ( selain dari alasan mama danish tak de annual leave) is..Danish ada activiti kat skul yg dinamakan ~ Little Muslim buddies, started on 1st june - 4th june baru2 nih.
So, ok lah jugak kan..dari dia dok kacau adik dia kat rumah, baik dia buat benda2 yg berpekdah sikit kan?
Lagipun for the 4 days activity tuh, kena bayar RM50 jer. Apalah sgt duit sebyk tuh compare tuh all the fruitful experiences that he gain rite?
On the 1st June, they made their way to the Hi5 breadtown.(mama dia pun belum sampai lagi sini nih)
And teacher Ita with the kids..Danish in black shirt, tgh berbaris masuk lah nih.
Cute jer nengok budak2 nih berbaris kan?
The kids with Teacher Ima
MMMmmm..kuat posing betul anak bujang aku nih. Yg dia bwk dlm palstik tuh, roti lah.Masa balik rumah dah tak nampak rupa roti..dah jadi lempeng..keh..keh
Seronok tgk Danish happy. Nak harap mama dia bwk dia pi sini..mmm..mungkin tidak. Bwk pi shopping..boleh :-).
And on 2nd - 4th June, all the activities were held in school. Buat factory model..made Mr Bread.
Dan lain2 lagih.
oklah tu least terisi cuti sekolah dia.
I.L.O.V.E Animal Farm
And in April, Danish and the gang pi animal farm kat UPM.
Danish in grey shirt. May be on the way pi farm lah ni kot...
Danish yg tekun dok dlm lori..with Teacher Manja,Shidah, Ita..apalah yg dia tgk tu ek..
Antara activiti kat animal farm..bagi anak kambing hisap susu..( kambing minum susu kambing ke..susu lembu ek???)
Memang dia seronok betul that day. Awal2 pagi lagih bangun nak pi farm.Bagus gak skul Danish buat aktiviti cam nih.
Faham2 jelah..budak2 urban skrg nih. Kalau tak dibwk tgk all these animals nih..kucing disangka ayam lak..he..he..
And lastly..thanks to all the loving and dedicated Genius Aulad teachers..
Tak lupa gak..these pictures were taken from GA punya facebook.
So, sapa2 yg berminat nak hantar anak kat GA, bolehlah tgk2 dulu gambar kat FB GA or just click to my blog list kat tepi kiri nih kay???