Found this cute icon somewhere in the web, so tempek sini just nak share ngan u ols..
BTW, last week..have been a tough week for some of my beloved frens..
Dunno why, last week, teringat nak call kengkwn USM yg dah lama tak bersua muka.. bertepuk gembira ..
Mula2 called Rosmi kat Chukai sana. Happy jerk minah tuh. Baru balik dari melben ostolia. Masa tuh tak leh ckp byk since ada org nak tengok rumah dia. May be she want to rent out her house in chukai?? mmm..not sure ..tak sempat nak interbiu lebih2..
Apa2 pun, I'm happy for her. May she had a happy life with Arham and Arham Jr dibumi tercinta nih.
Lepas tuh called Yatt. Dah lama nak call dia, just nak tahu status Baby Najwan. Masa aku call, she still besides baby najwan in IJN. At that time, still waiting for doctor's result on Najwan health status. Tapi dari info yg dapat dari bena, dia org skrg dah balik Johor. And about baby Najwan , still dunno yet.
Hopefully, yatt and family banyak2 bersabar. Tapi yelah, as a mother.. I know how she feel. Kalau boleh segala penyakit yg ada kat anak kita kalau boleh nak di"transfer" direct kat kita. We just can't see them suffer. Hopefully, everything turn out to be okay. May baby Najwan sihat walafiat selalu, Insyaallah...
Then called Aju. Dengar citer Aju pasal mak dia yg di"diagnose" having kidney problem really..really menyentuh hati aku. Dia citer cam mana mak dia yg diabetic terpaksa cucuk insulin 4 kali sehari. Jgn cakap pasal makan ubat lah..itu sudah semestinya. Now, she's been diagnosed having galstone is her kidney and the thing that make the situatuon even more difficult is, mak aju memang dilahirkan dengan satu kidney jer. So, the doctor said, they need to be careful in treating her galstone since dia ada satu kidney jer.
Hopefully, our modern technologies today can help out aju's mother. Let's pray and hope for the best for her .Insyaallah.
And last Wednesday, I was shocked to hear from aju that wani's brother who they called Ateh was involved in an accident. Dah try called wanie a few times but can't get through.
According to aju, dia patah tangan , kaki and tulang dada kalau tak silap.
May Ateh had a speedy recovery. Insyaallah..
Aku pernah terbaca somewhere in surah al-baqarah yg bermaksud "Allah tak akan membebani hamba-Nya melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupan nya"
Sparco - F500K Baby Seat
Retail Price RM799.00
F500K is a child seat combining the benefits of an infant carrier and a car
seat that grows with your child, featuring its convertib...
10 years ago