Today 8th September 2008 @9 i'm..together with my 2 lovely angels..Danish & Damia.
Berbekalkan HP laptop yg abah beli last year.. fully equipped with wireless modem yg juga abah beli 2 months ago, i'm able to surf in 23 deg C room temp bertemankan my 2 kids yg terkial2 nak menidokan diri masing2.
Sorang dah masuk selimut, tapi still ada lagi aksi ala2 Danishticon..sorang lagi lak...terkuak2 minta sebotol Similac lagih...
I've never imagine, that Allah will shower with me with this HUGE happiness...Alhamdulillah..endlessly..
It was today..8 Sept ..8 years back..I met Bob..eyes to eyes..
It was today ..8 Sept..6 years back..the day we tied our knot...
And it was today also..8 Sept...30++ years back ...the day I was born... shows how meaningful.. 8 Sept's a multiple anniversary and celebration to us...
tapi yg tak syoknya..abah is not here ..still in Gebeng for another 3-4 days
but no matter where he is..i just like him to know..
that he is the BEST thing ever happen to me..
dia lah teman aku through my ups and down..
teman yg isi minyak minyak keta aku yg dah pakai keta 7 tahun..tapi baru 3 tahun pandai isi minyak sendiri..
teman ber"JJCM" yg bil nya jarang sekali aku yg bayar..
teman aku shopping yg most of the time end up wallet dia yg terancam..
teman yg always check on my own car..yg aku hanya tahu tekan minyak jer..bab2 service..tak pernah ambik tahu..
teman yg tiap kali aku langgar apa2 yg menyebabkan keta aku kemek, dia yg pi hantar bengkel..dan bilnya..aku buat derk jer..
teman yg selalu layan aku pi pasar malam uptown..w/pun aku pegi tangan kosong..balik pun tgn kosong gak..since tak beli apa2 pun...
teman yg bayar bil celcom aku every month..yg aku hanya tahu bergayut jer..
teman yg w/pun seminggu sekali balik rumah..still tolong aku kemas rumah..yg mana the next schedule is...bila dia balik seminggu nanti..
teman yg selalu tolong buat keja yg paling aku tak soka = lipat kain..
teman yg tolong bangun masak sahur..
teman joint account aku..yg mana dia jer yg menabung..aku tolong draw jer..
dan teman utk so many other things,,yg kalau nak list down kat will takes forever !!!
But no matter what..I feel that I'm the luckiest person on this planet earth to have such a nice soulmate besides me..who accepting for who I am..
yg tahan perangai aku yg kdg2 tak semena2
yg tahan masakan aku yg tah apa2..
yg tahan lawak bodoh aku yg tak tentu hala..
yg tahan mood swing aku yg ngada2
yg tahan malas aku yg over
dan byk lagih benda yg dia tahan..that makes me feel..yeah..I'm really lucky !!!!
So Today..on this 8 Sept..Just like to wish you ...
Happy dear
may we have so many anniversary aheads...hingga ke hujung nyawa... - Glitter Graphics
You've ment the world to me since the first day we met
I swore that you were a gift that heaven had sent
I 've loved you with all my heart and I swear I won't let go
I've needed you from the start and I hope the future has yet to show
I know we have had our times
But we have been strong enuff to make it through
And I hope you always love me till the day we die
As much as I do and always will love you.
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10 years ago