Another set of 4th birthday celebration for My dearest Danish. This time, it was successfully held at Atuk's place in Sri Maamor, Hulu Langat.
Choice of cake this time, Black Forest from Good Taste Bakery. Nice cake.
Nampak tak 2 super hero and Elmo on the cake? And 4 fake balloons too... Birthday Boy, cutting the cake. Tak sabar2 nak potong cake. Tak sempat nak ambik gambar Danish blowing the candles since at that time, mama kat belakang Danish tgh bagi semangat kat Danish to blow all the 4 candles.
The gifts. Kak Icha cakap, Danish got less gifts compared to her birthday last time. Yes , she's absolutely right since her mama and daddy were also in the list. Mama ngan abah Danish, tak sempat nak beli daaa...he..he...sian Danish, less 2 gifts lorrr..
The 3 stooges, so happy that nite. Pakai that hat sampai end of party. Sambil makan pun, topi tuh still maintain kat kepala masing2.
Menu for the dinner. Mama ngan Abah, cam biasalah, pegi visit Hj Samuri and came back with 70 cucuk of sate. Nice fruits set up from uncle daddy, maklum lah x-Dsaji. Tapi paling best that nite, brocolli rebus by Auntie Zana, tasty and healthy of coz.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Danish 4th Birthday ~ 2nd Celebration
Posted by
mc ta
8:45 AM
Gifts From Istanbul
This New red T-shirt is a souvenir from Grandma from Turkiye.
Nasib baik ada Grandma yg go all around the world, boleh merasa pakai macam2 baju from different countries. Nak harap mama ngan abah Danish, mmmm....bila tuh?? he..he..
Mama pun dapat merasa pakai scarf from Turkiye. Tapi Abah, the very the kesian, tak dapat apa2 pun..keh.keh..sian abah...
Tak pe, nanti abah pi Germany nanti, beli sendiri banyak2 souvenir kay??
Posted by
mc ta
7:50 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Danish Book of the week
Book 1 ~ Little Joe
This book is about a little boy name Joe who hates to take bath. Everybody seems to dislike him.
And one day, he started to take bath and after that he had his bath everyday ( may be dia pun tak tahan ngan bau dia sendiri aku tambah lah )
This book uses only 34 words repeatatively.
Book 2 - The Squirrels and the Hunter
Danish just love this book. He can make his own expression with the squirrels dialouge. His favourite dilougue is "I'm not afraid, let's stay !".
This book about the 2 little squirrels who were playing on the tree but then discovered by a hunter and try to shoot them. Both of them tried to stay and not to run but after the hunter start shooting at them , they run for thier life, and saved!
This book uses 33 repeatative words.
Both of books are worth reading and value for money. We got these 2 books not from MPH or borders and such, beli kat kedai mamak kat Alam Megah jer... he..he..
Posted by
mc ta
8:33 AM
Labels: danish activity
Nothing Much !
Nothing much for this weekend since abah is not around. Kalau abah ada, both of us are the happiest creature since Mama and Danish can go for shopping!

Sunday, August 19, 2007
mmmm..apalah punyer tajuk ek...
But I came across this Kayap thing while flipping through one of my fave magazines.
I used to suffer from this diasease while in matric 2 in USM. Masa tuh, this thing attack my arm. The coverage tak de lah besau sgt, but the pain, gosh , hanya Allah sajer je yg tahu azab nyer..
lagi2 at that time tgh exam period... lagi haru, mana nak study, mana nak jaga this kayap thing.
Pi jumpa doctor, he said, it's kayap lah, bagi ubat sapu, pain killer and so. Tapi tak jln2 gak. Nasib baik at that time, my sister also in Penang, so my bro in laws got me a traditional medicine.
It's daun sirih with kapur sikit then depa tulih cam ayat quran on the daun it self, so, kena selawat than makan lah. Dengan izin-Nya, sembuh lah after few days.
Masa kena tuh, org ckp, kayap kaki kucing kut, since dia ada benjolan berisi air.
Back to the article in the magazine, kayap also known as HERPES ZOSTER. Ia merupakan jangkitan virus yg menyebabkan ruam yg menyakit kan. (mm..betui.betui.mmg sakit )
Kayap disebabkan oleh virus VARICELLA-ZOSTER, virus sama yg sebabkan CHICKEN POX ( ke..baru tahu)
Selepas seseorg kena chicken pox,this virus akan terpendam dlm saraf then after a few years, virus nih boleh aktif balik and caused KAYAP lak...
eventhough kayap tak serius, tapi ruam tuh boleh membawa komplikasi yg dipanggil POSTHERPETIC NEURALGIA.
Mereka yg pernah dijangkiti chicken pox, boleh mendapat kayap jika sistem imun mereka tidak dapat memusnah kan keseluruhan virus. Virus yg still exist nih , boleh active balik and caused kayap.
Virus dari org yg having kayap can be spread to those yg belum pernah dpt chicken pox, melalui direct contact to the open wounds. Kayap can be more serious to those yg having imunisasi yg lemah.
Apabila seseorang tuh having POSTHERPETIC NEURALGIA, kerosakan gentian saraf menghantar message rasa sakit yg confusing drpd kulit ke otak. That's why, our skin will be more sensitive even from gentle touch.
Kayap boleh bawa kpd other complications including radang otak (encephalitis) and other neurological problems.
If kayap happen to be attacking your face, it can lead to hearing or sight problem, temporarily or permenant (mmm..sound serious)
Ia juga boleh menyebabkan kehilangan pergerakan wajah (paralysis).
So, as a conclusion, kalau got affected by this kayap, baik jumpa doctor dgn segera, dun take it lightly since it's not a normal skin diasease but involving your neuro system.
Posted by
mc ta
8:12 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
my lovely Danish turn 4 !
17 August ~ the most memorable day in my life.

At the age of 4, he able to recites some basic doa such as doa makan, doa before study, doa naik kenderaan, doa before sleep and etc. He also know Al-Fatihah. I'm also glad that he's so interested in Iqra' and recognize the letter well, better than his ABC actually. He also know how to count until 22 ( dun ask why 22 since I also dun know why.he.he..)
Since Abah still outstation, so Danish celebrated his birthday with his frens in Genius Aulad first.
Mama bought a delicous Choc indulgence from Secret Recipe.
Not forgetting, 2 version of goody bags for Danish frens.
Danish 1st gift this year is a lovely decorated present from Mama's lunch mate, Auntie aju, auntie Alin, auntie noreen and Auntie Fiza. Thanks mate !
Posted by
mc ta
8:41 AM
Friday, August 17, 2007
My Kampung Childhood Games Carnival
This event was initiated by Danish kinder, Aulad Genius in our tribute to 50th merdeka celebration.
Date : 12 August 2007 ~ Sunday
Venue : Kg Budaya , Tmn Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam
Parents and kids gathered at the park entrance since 8 am. But we were a bit late since we need to pick up kueh that I already ordered 2 days back, it's kueh seri muka and bingka kacang. I'm a bad chef therefore every time Danish kinder arrange any function that need us to bring some finger food, tempah saje lah.. :) These 2 kueh cost me rm35 ringgit, but both of them really..really tasty !

Posted by
mc ta
8:02 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Laptop Abah Vs Laptop Mama
Posted by
mc ta
8:05 AM
Jalan2 Shopping Sakan - MyDin USJ
11 August 2007 ~ 9 pm
Mydin USJ, now already become one of our fave shopping spot. It's just a few kms away from our house, 5 minutes je boleh sampai. Abah did some comparison with the price, it shows that, Mydin is the BEST ! he..he.. Gaya cam duta Mydin lak..
tapi betul..even Susu Enfagrow Danish pun the cheapest I've ever found !
Danish definitely love this place, tiap kali pegi, tiap kali tu lah beli pencil case yg tahan cuma 2-3 hari tuh. Lepas tuh, all the pencils bersepah balik since dia dah pomen, so sumer dah terburai...he..he
Posted by
mc ta
7:39 AM
Gifts From Macau
These 3 little fella, are special gift from my buddy, Lee Leong Chin. Actually, he bought some cookies but unfortunately, it's non-halal. so, as a replacement, he gave me not 1 or 2 but these 3 little cute things. And I'm the only one in FA lab who has this honour of having this toys from Macau..he..he.. lucky me..
Those 3 cartoon character toys is so cute.
The spinning donald duck, sekinchan the mirror and the dancing minnie mouse.
Apa2 pun,
Next time, kalau pegi for any other vacation, dun forget to bring back other souvenirs kay???
Posted by
mc ta
6:48 AM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Bid Another Farewell

Another farewell party today. The good thing is, we had such a great time together, the bad thing is, I really forgot to snap any photo :(
It's quite sad to say another bye-bye to another team member. This 2 months, we lost 3 lab members. Gosh !
It's easy to add another new member to our team, the difficult part is, another set of training agenda need to be gone through.'s really a tiring job !
We can find another fresh grad engneer in no time, so many young people out there are willing to take the resposibility as FA engineer, with basic pay RM2400, hey, ramai yg nak tau !
But in a search for another good engineer as way seong..mmm..dunno..may be a bit hard. I'll leave this to Fong to decide.
Tan way Seong - Frenly, helpful, kind heart, joker. All in one.
This Klang boy join us from Flextronics about a year ago. I'll still remember during his early days in WD, I used to tease him the way he solder, he..he.. he is such a patient guy.
Everybody seems to like him. He can talk about everything, from football to unit trust, from latest technology to "ah kua". Everything. He always willing to help me no matter what.
Wishing him Good luck in whatever he do. May God bless him with good health and excel in his new job in Singapore. Just dun forget us and stay in touch.
Bye-bye man, you are such a great fren i've ver known !
"...Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?
I guess that wouldn't work.
Someone would leave. Someone always leaves.
Then we would have to say good-bye.
I hate good-byes. I know what I need.
I need more hellos.. " ~Charles M. Schulz

Posted by
mc ta
6:49 AM
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Where is the surau ?
7th August 2007
Apa kaitan gambar kat atas ngan WD bonus day??? tak tahu???
Jawapan nyer = memang tak de kaitan pun:)
Hari nih, cam tak baper ramai orang kat WD foodcourt, mmm.what do you expect? Bonus dah masuk, mesti ramai kat Giant Kelana Jaya or Carrefour Subang or Subang Parade may be
As for me, malas nak kuar makan. Walaupun kat foodcourt WD nih, tawaf keliling 78 kali pun, belum tentu tahu nak makan apa. Dah malas nak pikio, pesan jelah nasi goreng kampung mamak. Aku memang tabik ngan mamak nowadays, walaupun kampung halaman dia org kat India sana, dia orang dah terror masak nasi goreng kampung version org mesia , bukan version orang India he..he..siap ada ikan bilis goreng , cili padi. Cam aku, selalu tambah telur dadar. Nak kata sedap, tak delah, boleh lah telan.
Dah kenyang, habis satu tray aku makan. Masuk lab balik lor. Nak Naik lif, mmm ramai giler minah indon. Dia orang ni, bukan belajar tatarakyat pun kat Indon sana. Kalau nak berebut ngan dia orang naik lift, I'm not the one !
Tapi memang spesies aku tak suka berebut that's why everytime pegi Hush Pupies Sale, pegi tangan kosong, balik pun tangan kosong + kaki kejang..he..he..
So, kita orang dah banned hush puppies nyer sale. Bagi je lah kat pirana2 lain telan sumer kasut2 tuh keh..keh..
Back to my story, dah tak naik lift, terpaksalah tertonggek2 naik tangga, dari basement pi level 2. Dah sampai tercungap2 giler, cam nak putus nyawa.
Dah tengah aku menghidup O2 dan hembus balik CO2 kat link way level 2, adalah mamat nih, nonong jer datang kat aku.
Dalam hati aku nyumpah2 gak, tak nampak ke aku yg dah separuh mati baru naik tangga nih. Then dia pi tanyer aku. "Excuse me, where is the surau?"
Dalam hati aku cakap, apasal mamat nih nak speaking london ngan aku lak, then when I took a glance at his badge, laaa.mamat siam rupanyer. Tapi I'm still puzzled, why dalam ramai2 umat Muhammad kat link way tuh, aku gak yang dia tanya. Nasib baik aku cepat pick up, may be ari nih, Tuhan bukan saje nak bagi BONUS jer kat aku, bagi bonus pahala gak, so, aku direct lah dia cam mana nak pi surau kat basement sana. Then you know what?
mamat nih cam blur jer aku tgk, aku rasa aku dah cakap english dah, may be ada slang british sikit lah kot that's why dia tak paham..he.he..
Then aku tengok muka dia seposen jer, sian lak aku tengok dia, tak sampai hati lak nak biar dia sesat kat WD nih, paling jauh dia boleh sesat pun, may car park kat basement sana lah, kalau tak pun, kat bumbung WD jer, so, aku aku sacrifice jelah sikit lagi aku nyer energy. May be aku akan hilang beberapa micro milimeter lemak kat perut aku, tapi sapa tahu Allah nak bagi mega pahala kat aku kan??
Aku pun terus cakap ngan mamat siam nih, "It's okay, I'll bring you there, just follow me". Dia pun terhangguk2 cakap thank you..thank you kat aku..
Sambil2 jalan tuh, sempat gak aku intebiu dia
Aku :Is this your first day here?
Mamat siam : Yes ( sambil senyum)
Aku : You are from WD Thailand?
Mamat Siam : Yes (sambil senyum lagih)
Aku : and you are muslim ( soalan bodoh, dah nak pi solat, muslim lah tuh)
Mamat siam : Yes
Mamat siam ni, boleh cakap Yes je ke?
So, kita orang teruskan perjalanan..dalam hati aku, lepas nih, tonggek lagi lah aku naik tangga. Tapi Tuhan punyer kuasa, aku ternampak Kak Miah, kakak yg selalu bagi hati aku gundah gelana eveytime tengok dia tolak trolly masuk lab aku. Since tiap kali kalau dia datang, bukan bawak chritmast present, tapi berkoyan2 drive yang aku kena buat FA. :)
So, nampak cam kakak tuh nak pi basement, terus aku jerit panggil dia "Kak Miah, tolong tunjuk budak nih the way to surau?". kak miah cakap, okay !
Then budak tuh terhangguk2 lagi cakap thank you.
So, lepas satu tanggung-jawab aku sesama muslim. Rasa lega di dada. Lega since budak tuh boleh solat dan lega gak, aku tak yah naik tangga lagih ..he..he..
Lepas sampai lab, aku tanya kawan2 aku, kenapa budak tuh choose aku. Ini jawapan dia orang
1) May be dia nampak, dalam reramai tuh, aku jer yg nampak cam boleh speaking ( Ish..ada muka pan asian ke aku nih?)
2) May be dia nampak cam aku nih, spesies suka sembahyang ( Ada lebam ke kat dahi aku?)
3) Cahaya keimanan terpancar-pancar kat wajah aku yg kusam nih
Posted by
mc ta
7:19 AM
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Money is a motivator ?
Is money the ReAL Motivator for all of us?
Very subjective! Some people may nod their heads, others may be "geleng2" , ada gak yg may be lost !
But I still remember during my school days In Sekolah Kebangsaan Banggol Guchil dulu, I used to have 1 lady teacher who always gave me a reward whenever I got no 1 in class.
You know how much I got at that time? 20 cents !
Nowadays, apalah sangat kita boleh buat ngan 20 sen, nak beli Danish punyer sweets pun tak lepas. Lagi2lah kalau kat 7-E yg sumer mahal tuh.
Tapi at that time, besau makna nyer 20 sen. Boleh beli my fave drinks, air asam ngan kuih sebijik or bihun kat kantin or kertas lukisan kat kedai suhaili's late mother. Banyak benda boleh beli. Lagilah masa tuh darjah satu tahun 1982 ,kita nyer school term kan ada 3 penggal, tiga2 penggal aku sapu bersih, orang lain tak merasa that 20 cents.he..he.. Uish...geliga betul otak aku masa tuh.. :)
Masa tuh, dapat 20 sen rasa ada motivation gak lah.
Now, back to this material world, do we really care about 20 cents ? mmmm....I dun think so.
Kalau tengah makan kat gerai, ada org buta yg dipimpin oleh orang yg tak buta datang mintak derma, senyum jer kita bagi 2-3 ringgit. Tak sampai hati nak bagi 20 sen, tapi hati rasa nak lempang jer org yg tak buta tuh. ( jahat nyer !)
The concern here is, are we really motivated enough once we check our account balance on our pay day?
But it is undeniable, most of people are motivated with money. Ish, sapa tak suka duit banyak kan? Kita nyer bosses pun cam senyum lebar jer everytime dia bagi kita bonus slip or increment slip. They will defeinitely think that, ish after dapat duit banyak2 nih, dia org nih mesti keja lebih ni.
But if you really loves your job, this definitely will double up your spirit towards your job. But how about those who dun really love what they are doing right now. Okay, the bonus will cheer them up for today, but after the wake up tomorrow morning, they are still the same person with the same level of spirit and with the same amount of motivation. ( ish..rasa pedas lah..sapa yg makan cili nih?keh.keh...)
What ever lah, now, it's AUGUST!
For WD people, bulan ni lah yg di tunggu saban tahun. We dun care bila CNY, bila tarikh tengok anak bulan ramadhan or syawal or deepavali jatuh hari apa...
Yg kita tunggu2 sangat, bila bonus kita will be deposited in our RHB account.
Semua orang dah berkira2 dah, apa nak buat ngan bonus this year. Tuh, tak tahu lagi baper bulan dapat. What ever the amount is, we still thankful that we still can enjoy our bonus. We really deserved it!
To all WDees, selamat berbelanja sakan.
Apa2 pun, jangan dengar guruh di langit, air di tempayan di curah kan.. ( ish betul ke peribahasa nih? )
Posted by
mc ta
1:33 AM
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Balang Mayonis
We received so many forwarded emails everyday. Ada yg kita baca and simpan. Ada yg kita baca dan delete, ada gak yg tak baca langsung, terus masuk recycle bin.he.he.
Tapi there's one forwarded email by puan jamie yg really catched my attention. It's called balang mayonis.
It's actually a story about a proffesor who start his class with an empty mayonees bottle. He started to fill up the bottle with golf ball,stones then sand. At last, he poured 2 cups of coffee inside the bottle.
Every little thing that he fill into the bottle, represent different thing is our life.
Golf ball~ God,family,ur kids, urself, ur heatlh
stones ~ other things in life such as ur work,house, car
Sand ~ other small things in life
2 cups of coffee ~ frens
To summarize, in life, prioritize is a must ! life is about balance. You have to know, which one should go first, which one later and which one should go straight into dustbin !
What really attract me to this story is how the prof explain that how busy our life is, we should spend some time to have a cup of coffee with our frens.
That's why, everytime kalau keluar dengan kawan2, I drink coffee not tea ..he..he..
Tapi kadang2 bukan kita tak nak spend time ngan kengkawan , tapi masa begitu mencemburui kita..
Kalau kita free, dia org tak free. Kalau dia orang free, kita lak yg ada program.
Apa2 pun, on 4th August , Danish,wanie and myself had another great time together.
Our location this time, Plaza Masallam.
~ Danish tengah tunggu Auntie wanie arrive to pick us up to Plaza Massalam
~ Danish yg tak boleh duduk diam tengah posing ngan auntie wanie yg baru balik keja.
~ Our menu for today. Pizza belum sampai. Milo ais tu, Danish minum sikit je

~ line of trucks that Danish bought that day.
Posted by
mc ta
12:22 AM
Friday, August 3, 2007
The buffalo Theory
A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo. When the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first.
This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Excessive smoking, we all know, kills brain cells, but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first.
In this way regular smoking eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.
That's why you always feel smarter after a few puffs of cigarette, and that'swhy smoking is so good for you!
he.he..nice theory from a fren, and he's definitely a smoker of coz .
It's good if this theory is true but I extremely sure that this won't we applicable to your heart and your lungs since we all know that majority of the cigarettes dia hard fan died due to their heart and lungs failure , not their brain.
and to all smokers, this is how ur lungs will look alike if you dun stop smoking now !
And at this stage, even your brainy brain, can't do anything either...
Posted by
mc ta
11:18 PM