Another farewell party today. The good thing is, we had such a great time together, the bad thing is, I really forgot to snap any photo :(
It's quite sad to say another bye-bye to another team member. This 2 months, we lost 3 lab members. Gosh !
It's easy to add another new member to our team, the difficult part is, another set of training agenda need to be gone through. Ish...it's really a tiring job !
We can find another fresh grad engneer in no time, so many young people out there are willing to take the resposibility as FA engineer, with basic pay RM2400, hey, ramai yg nak tau !
But in a search for another good engineer as way seong..mmm..dunno..may be a bit hard. I'll leave this to Fong to decide.
Tan way Seong - Frenly, helpful, kind heart, joker. All in one.
This Klang boy join us from Flextronics about a year ago. I'll still remember during his early days in WD, I used to tease him the way he solder, he..he.. he is such a patient guy.
Everybody seems to like him. He can talk about everything, from football to unit trust, from latest technology to "ah kua". Everything. He always willing to help me no matter what.
Wishing him Good luck in whatever he do. May God bless him with good health and excel in his new job in Singapore. Just dun forget us and stay in touch.
Bye-bye man, you are such a great fren i've ver known !
"...Why can't we get all the people together in the world that we really like and then just stay together?
I guess that wouldn't work.
Someone would leave. Someone always leaves.
Then we would have to say good-bye.
I hate good-byes. I know what I need.
I need more hellos.. " ~Charles M. Schulz
