Sunday, August 19, 2007


mmmm..apalah punyer tajuk ek...
But I came across this Kayap thing while flipping through one of my fave magazines.

I used to suffer from this diasease while in matric 2 in USM. Masa tuh, this thing attack my arm. The coverage tak de lah besau sgt, but the pain, gosh , hanya Allah sajer je yg tahu azab nyer..
lagi2 at that time tgh exam period... lagi haru, mana nak study, mana nak jaga this kayap thing.

Pi jumpa doctor, he said, it's kayap lah, bagi ubat sapu, pain killer and so. Tapi tak jln2 gak. Nasib baik at that time, my sister also in Penang, so my bro in laws got me a traditional medicine.
It's daun sirih with kapur sikit then depa tulih cam ayat quran on the daun it self, so, kena selawat than makan lah. Dengan izin-Nya, sembuh lah after few days.
Masa kena tuh, org ckp, kayap kaki kucing kut, since dia ada benjolan berisi air.

Back to the article in the magazine, kayap also known as HERPES ZOSTER. Ia merupakan jangkitan virus yg menyebabkan ruam yg menyakit kan. (mm..betui.betui.mmg sakit )
Kayap disebabkan oleh virus VARICELLA-ZOSTER, virus sama yg sebabkan CHICKEN POX ( ke..baru tahu)
Selepas seseorg kena chicken pox,this virus akan terpendam dlm saraf then after a few years, virus nih boleh aktif balik and caused KAYAP lak...

eventhough kayap tak serius, tapi ruam tuh boleh membawa komplikasi yg dipanggil POSTHERPETIC NEURALGIA.

Mereka yg pernah dijangkiti chicken pox, boleh mendapat kayap jika sistem imun mereka tidak dapat memusnah kan keseluruhan virus. Virus yg still exist nih , boleh active balik and caused kayap.

Virus dari org yg having kayap can be spread to those yg belum pernah dpt chicken pox, melalui direct contact to the open wounds. Kayap can be more serious to those yg having imunisasi yg lemah.

Apabila seseorang tuh having POSTHERPETIC NEURALGIA, kerosakan gentian saraf menghantar message rasa sakit yg confusing drpd kulit ke otak. That's why, our skin will be more sensitive even from gentle touch.

Kayap boleh bawa kpd other complications including radang otak (encephalitis) and other neurological problems.
If kayap happen to be attacking your face, it can lead to hearing or sight problem, temporarily or permenant (mmm..sound serious)
Ia juga boleh menyebabkan kehilangan pergerakan wajah (paralysis).

So, as a conclusion, kalau got affected by this kayap, baik jumpa doctor dgn segera, dun take it lightly since it's not a normal skin diasease but involving your neuro system.