17 August ~ the most memorable day in my life.

At the age of 4, he able to recites some basic doa such as doa makan, doa before study, doa naik kenderaan, doa before sleep and etc. He also know Al-Fatihah. I'm also glad that he's so interested in Iqra' and recognize the letter well, better than his ABC actually. He also know how to count until 22 ( dun ask why 22 since I also dun know why.he.he..)
Since Abah still outstation, so Danish celebrated his birthday with his frens in Genius Aulad first.
Mama bought a delicous Choc indulgence from Secret Recipe.
Not forgetting, 2 version of goody bags for Danish frens.
Danish 1st gift this year is a lovely decorated present from Mama's lunch mate, Auntie aju, auntie Alin, auntie noreen and Auntie Fiza. Thanks mate !