A true story by Akon..
rasa tak lengkap hidup kalau tak dengar lagu nih kat Hitz.fm everyday..
so...Enjoy !!!
Sorry, Blame It On Me
As life goes on I’m starting to learn more and more about responsibility
I realize everything I do is affecting the people around me
So I want to take this time out to apologize for things I have done
And things that have not occurred yet
And the things they don’t want to take responsibility for
I’m sorry for the times I left you home
I was on the road and you were alone
I’m sorry for the times that I had to go
I’m sorry for the fact that I did not know
That you were sitting home just wishing we
Could go back to when it was just you and me
I’m sorry for the times I would neglect
I’m sorry for the times I disrespect
I’m sorry for the wrong things that I’ve done
I’m sorry I’m not always there for my son
I’m sorry for the fact that I'm not aware
That you can’t sleep at night when I am not there
Because I am in the streets like everyday
Sorry for the things that I did not say
Like how you are the best thing in my world
And how I'm so proud to call you my girl
I understand that there are some problems
And I am not too blind to know
All the pain you kept inside you
Even though you might not show
If I can apologize for being wrong
Then it’s just a shame on me
I’ll be the reason for your pain and you can put the blame on me
You can put the blame on me [4x]
Said you can put the blame on me [3x]
You can put the blame on me
Sorry for the things that he put you through
And all the times you didn’t know what to do
Sorry that you had to go and sell those packs
Just trying to stay busy till you heard from Dad
And you would rather be home with all your kids
As one big family with love and bliss
And even though Pops treated us like kings
He got a second wife and you didn’t agree
He got up and left you there all alone
I’m sorry that you had to do it on your own
I’m sorry that I went and added to your grief
I’m sorry that your son was once a thief
I’m sorry that I grew up way too fast
I wish I would’ve listened and not be so bad
I’m sorry your life turned out this way
I’m sorry that the FEDS came and took me away
I’m sorry that it took so long to see
They were dead wrong trying to put it on me
I’m sorry that it took so long to speak
But I was on tour with Gwen Stefani
I’m sorry for the hand that she was dealt
For the embarrassment that she felt
Just a little young girl trying to have fun
Her daddy should never let her out that young
I’m sorry for Club Zen getting shut down
I hope they manage better next time around
How was I to know she was underage
In a 21 and older club they say
Why doesn’t anybody wanna take blame
Verizon backed out disgracing my name
I’m just a singer trying to entertain
Because I love my fans I’ll take that blame
Even though the blame’s on you [3x]
I’ll take that blame from you
And you can put that blame on me [2x]
You can put that blame on me
And you can put that blame on me
Friday, September 28, 2007
My Fav song by Akon
Posted by
mc ta
7:31 AM
Sepagi Sekeliling Shah Alam
Kalau hari Sabtu jatuh cuti umum, WD cam biasalah bagi kita cuti Jumaat. So sempena Nuzul Quran yg jatuh sabtu, so jumaat boleh lah kita menjalan kan kita punyer TERAPI JIWA & MINDA yg tidak lain tidak bukan..
Since niat tuh nak cari tudung yg matching ngan kita punyer baju kurung yg glamer raya ni..mana lagih nak pi kalau tak kompleks PKNS yg glamer ngan beberibu jenis tudung tuh..
Tapi terapi minda kali nih, byk relaks since Danish kat school, Bob lak kat Sabah..so..terapi sorang2 daa...
Punyer lah nervous nak pi sana..dari malam lagih called Bob kat sabah tanyer canner jalan nak pi PKNS..pagi2 sebelum bertolak pun call Bob lagih..
Dah beberapa ratus kali pi situ pun, still blur canner nak pi.
nak pi kompleks PKNS cam nak pi banting lak..he.he..
Maklumlah first time bawak keta sendiri se"jauh" tuh..
Ni, deco kat dalam PKNS..masa nak ambik gambar stage nih nampak Linda Rafar, syed aiman ngan anak2 dia..cantik Linda pakai baju kurung..nak ambik gambar dia org..malu lah..since sumer org kat siru buat doono jer..ada lah sorang dua cam tgk hantu..org cam aku..buat derk jer...
minah2 sedang sibuk ber"shopping". Tapi masa tuh tak ramai sangat orang lagih, lagi pun sumer orang keja..dan..baru kul 11 pun.kedai baru bukak...
Ni lak.bazaar ramadhan kat luar SACC, tak ramai org niaga lagi gak since awal lagih...
Ni deco stage kat dalam SACC. Dia orang tengah prepare nak buat launching kot...
Ni salah satu kedai kat dalam SACC. Al-Amin kids. Yang spesial pasal kedai nih, dia jual baju2 khas untuk kita nyer "young khalifah" , boys and girls. Ada baju mandi for girls yg sungguh sopan sekali. Kalau sesapa yg nak cari baju2 yg sungguh sesuai untuk anak2 dara anda, boleh lah datang sini. For boys, tak banyak beza sangat.
Ni panorama SACC dari tingat atas sekali. Tak ramai orang kat sini, tuh yang best pasal SACC nih..
Antara butik2 exclusive kat sini. Ini nama "butik De Rias "
Ni lak butik Citra yang terkenal ngan sponsor baju budak2 AF.
Baju raya for Danish lagi. Yang best budak yg keja kedai Poney ni, baik giler. Habis baju aku kumbah pun dia sengih jer...lagi pun, masa tuh, aku sorang jer kat dalam kedai tuh, boleh lah nak ngada2 lebih. Nasib baik beli sepasang baju Danish..kalau tak mesti budak tuh sumpah seranah aku kaw2 punyer..he..he..
Ni lak buku Danish beli kat MPH & PKNS.
Danish lak dapat banyak benda, ingat nak cukupkan kuota baju raya..tapi tak de lak yg berkenan..
Posted by
mc ta
6:17 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Kedai Kopi Peberet
Minggu dah dah 2kali kita pi minum kopi kat sini..
tapi this time, kat Bandar Puteri..
Kita pi sana normally sebab nak pi Citibank tapi malam tuh, ramai lak makhluk beratur, so we decided to mencekik first lah
Lucky, orang tak ramai kat kedai kopi ni. selalu nyer susah benar nak tengok ada seat kosong
A cozy atmospehere in here. tak de lah hiruk pikuk. So can enjoy our meal to the fullest.
Our choice of drinks that nite. White coffee for mama, ice coffee for abah and grape fuit juice for Danish. Tapi Danish cakap air dia taste like Ribena.mm..memang ribena pun..nama jer gempaq.baik bagi nama air ribena jer...
Masa Mama temankan Danish pi rest room, laksa mama sampai, tengok..abah dah godeh dahh..tak malu..
lepas rasa 5-6 suap, abah rasa laksa dia best..so.abah order another one for himself..
so..taraaa. Ni abah punyer asam laksa. Dia org letak ikan sardin tapi in bigger pieces, so terasa ke"ikan"nan nyer..best rasa nyer ngan masam2 tuh...mmm..yummy
Posted by
mc ta
9:10 AM
Abah Flying to Sabah

salah kah aku AYU ???
Minggu nih.agak pelik sikit, on Monday morning, once my ID touches the scanner in WD, dah ramai mata yg pandang..
ada yg senyum2 sumbing, ada tergelak kucing..
mula2 tukar kasut dah jumpa sorang member aku dari AS lab, dia ckp..
"mazita, u look different today" then dgn bodo nyer aku jwb"oh really??"
dah lah nak sampai FA lab bukan main byk lab yg aku nak kena lalu, so ada lah minah2 sampuk lagih..
"mc, hujan lah ari ni.."
"mc,dah raya ke?"
"mc, cantik ah ari nih"
"mc, ngigau apa nih"
ish..byk betul soalan depa2 nih..
masuk lab jgn citer lah...sorang tgk aku,habih konco2 dia panggil..
dia org nih.tengok aku cam lah aku pakai spender kat kepala..
yg pelik pasal aku ari nih..
dah berabad dan berzaman depa tak tengok aku se"ayu" nih..
lagi2 lah engineer baru kat WD..sumer tegur aku..kalah kan aku artis lak..
tapi oklah..it shows that depa concern pasal aku yg berutal nih..
aku bukan tak suka @ allergy ngan baju kurung..
dulu, beberapa tahun lepas..aku pernah gak pakai baju kurung pi keja..
dan kat lab tuh, kerusi dia ada roda. Aku nih spesies yg nak gi mana2, malas nak bangun..so, aku tunjal jelah kerusi aku tuh, sampai lah tempat yg nak dituju. Then one day, aku pakai baju kurung batik sutera, nak diajadikan citer, akibat ke"brutalan" aku nih, tersept kain kat dlm roda sampai aku tak boleh nak tarik nak kuarkan, siap org kena tolong lagih..tup2, koyak kain aku tuh..Sedih gak since baju tuh mak aku yg bagi..
Tuh yg aku phobia sikit nak pakai baju kurung nih..
Apa2 pun. ..si chung kah fei tuh..siap snap gambar lagih sempena memperingati aku pakai baju kurung yg jarang2 terjadi itu..he..he.. yg tersengih cam zebra merah tuh, lee wai yee.dia tumpang glamer aku lah tuh..keh.keh..
Posted by
mc ta
8:18 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Tribute to Nurin Jazlin
May Allah shower His blessings on you..
A "psyco beast" just sent you to heaven in a very terrible manner...
Let's hope that beast will end up in electric chair, the soonest, the better..
May you rest in peace...
Posted by
mc ta
9:09 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Shopping sakan @ Metro Point Kajang
This is our very first visit here. Selalu nyer, kita orang lalu jer this shopping complex normally on our way to get sate kajang Hj Samuri. But today, we have our vision. To find kasut raya for Danish.
What I can say about this shopping complex? Very Exclusive.
Sumer restaurants dia, fuuuhhh..sumer ada, from Starbucks to Secret Recipe, from Station kopitiam to Lemon Cafe owned by Million dolar producer,Mr David Teo.
This is the ground floor. So many lanterns can be seen since the lantern and moon cakes festival is on.
Abah and his "future" car. I think kita boleh naik next year kot??? :)
taaaraaa...Danish punyer new Nike shoes and bubble gummer slipper.
We bought the nike shoes here. Al-ikhsan metro point kajang.
introducing, Danish with his brand new bubble gummer slipper that we bought in Bata shop.
Total Lost : Nike Shoes -RM159, BBG slipper-RM21.90
Friday, September 21, 2007
All you need to know about me !
Your Personality is Somewhat Rare (ISFP) |
![]() Your personality type is caring, peaceful, artistic, and calm. Only about 7% of all people have your personality, including 8% of all women and 6% of all men You are Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
You Are 80% Pure |
![]() You're so innocent, it's almost like you're not human. Taking this test is probably the naughtiest thing you've done in a while! |
You Are a Good Girl |
![]() You are 70% Good and 30% Bad Generally speaking, you're a very good girl. (But you don't have us totally fooled!) |
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pang Junior - The Arrival
A baby’s mind and heart are innocent and pure.A baby’s love is freely given.A baby represents the freedom of hope, love and joy...
and this is my gift to Pang's baby.
I still remember, while accompanying Danish watching Play House Disney Channel, I remembered there's 1 guy in 1 of the show said " what really matters is not the thing inside the gift, but what inside the giver"..mmm..I just love what he said. Tak sangka , kids channel also gave me some free lesson to learn and to think !
roger n out !
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Gift from God - Nadia Aqilah
Name : Nadia Aqilah
Mother's Name : Fauziah Abd Jalal
DOB : Friday, 13 Sept 2007, 2nd Ramadhan
POB : Pusat Rawatan Islam, Bandar Country Homes, Rawang
TOB : 7++ am
WOB : 3.2 kg
Nadia -Pemurah, Aqilah - Bijak.
Kehadiran this cute little baby gal memang ditunggu2 bukan sajer oleh mama dia tapi kawan2 mama dia yg sumer kepoh2 tuh :)
starting from 10th Sept, tiap2 hari I gave a call to Pojex, just to check out her condition since dia nyer due on 11 sept. Tapi minah tuh lasak giler, tiap2 hari tawaf Selangor, pi Shah Alam lah, Klang lah.
Then on 13th Sept bersamaan dgn 2 Ramadhan, saje nak check out pojex, call her around 8.15 am, she picked up the call and said that she's still in the labour room and doctor is still in the process of jahit dia nyer "tooootttt" :)
Yang best boleh dengar Aqilah nangis terkuang-kuang..how sweet..
dengar suara dia live telecast from labour room lagih. masa tuh, pojex pun still tak tahu lagih baper berat baby dia, ish, looks like, I'm the first one who got this good news. At that time, both baby and mommy are fine. syukur Alhamdulillah.
On 15 sept, kul 5 pagi lagih call aju just to plan for a visit to Pojex's house. tapi belum bangun lagih minah tuh, called wanie pun tak dapat.
After plan yg sungguh huru-hara tuh, berangkat lah kita orang ( aju, wanie, aku, danish and our driver -bob ) ke bandar country homes rawang.
Pojex really happy to see us. Dah lama kita orang tak jumpa dia..last sekali jumpa may be masa dia nikah dulu..ish..lama tuh..
Memang rindu ngan Pojex ni sebenarnye.tapi rumah dia jauh sangat daaa...
Excited jumpa pojex, macam2 kita orang tanyer, lagak cam mata2 gelap pun ada..ala2 CSI miami pun ada gak. Lagi2 lah wanie, sumer benda kat dlm bilik pojex dia tayer..sampai minyak ubat kat tepi tingkap dia, sumer dia tanyer. Berjela2 lah pojex kena explain kat dia..he..he.
Tapi si pojex pun, dalam dok terkepit2 dalam pantang tuh, sempat lagih promote langsir kat kita orang.mmm..dah nama pun bussiness woman, tak kira masa, dalam pantang pun ON.
Dah berjam2 duduk, kita pun baliklah. Masa nak balik, Abg Mus (hubby Pojex) sempat kait buag mangga nak bagi kita orang. Best betul mangga kat depan rumah dia tuh. Tapi kesian aju ngan wanie since dia org tak ingat nak ambik mangga yg sungguh enak berkrim tuh..
Apa2 pun, let's pray for the best for Pojex and Aqilah.
May she grow up and be
as strong as her mother
as patient as her mother
as optimistic as her mother..
Cries of joythe first breathe of air.
stubby feet that kicks in the air
Groping hands
sucking mouth
seeking mom's nourishment.
Beaming , cherubic face,expectant for love, warmth and embrace
Posted by
mc ta
6:47 AM
Labels: friensfriends
The Hard Rock Family
Abah bought these t-shirt for us from Berlin. Zillion thanks abah !
Mula2 abah ckp, sumer barang kat Berlin mahal2, even t-shirt bodoh pun. Then, what really came across my mind at that time"oh God, mesti me and danish will have only keychain as souvenirs".
I'm definitely right, Abah bought for us keychain AND these lovely Hard Rock Cafe Berlin t-shirt too.
This one, abah punyer. Cost - 29 euro

And this one, Mama punyer - cost 25 euro
And this one, Danish punyer, cost 15 euro

Ni other souvenirs yg abah beli,mostly cost 6 euro each

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ramadhan Datang lagi..
Ramadan in 2007 will start on Thursday, the 13th of September and will continue for 30 days until Friday, the 12th of October.
so..Saturday 13th October..kita raya lah ek?? he..he..pose belum lagih nak fikir pasal raya.hampeh..
Sebenarnyer, aku nih, memang spesies yg tak baper alert. Bila tengok anak bulan Ramadhan pun tak sure, ceh..
Tup2 semalam, masa tengok buletin utama, nampak si penyimpan mohor besar raja2 umum puasa would be on Thursday. Laaa..ingat Jumaat baru pose. Nasib baik dah buat preparation dah sikit-sikit. Abah punyer maggi mee yg tertinggal tak terbawak pi Jerman tuh , ada banyak lagih. Tuh dah boleh dikategorikan sebagai makanan ruji untuk sahur lah tuh..
Hari nih, pegi lah mana2 kedai pun, ramai orang beli barang banyak2. Maklum lah, malam ni nak masak sahur. esok lak nak masak masakan istimewa utk berbuka..
Aku?? mmmm...nak masak ke hapa?? Beli saje lah labu..
Bukan apa..sedih nih. Selalu nyer tiap2 tahun abah beli kurma yusuf taiyoob..tahun ni..aku kena beli sendiri..
mak2 lain, sibuk beli sayur, beli ikan,ayam..aku..idok ler..
buat kejung jer barang2 tuh dlm fridge..baik aku pi pasar ramadhan..pilih lauk apa aku makan waktu buka..Danish, jangan citerlah..lagi 3 tahun baru start pose kot..
Introducing, barang2 yg aku beli khas utk bulan pose nih..
w/pun lain daripada yang lain..tapi itulah keunikan aku..he..he.

roti paratha, dalam satu pack ada 5 jer. Roti nih, ada dhal kat dalam.Fuhh pedas beb dia nyer dhal..senang jer cara nak makan. Kuarkan dari fridge, terus ke pan. Kalau goreng garing2..sedap gak benda alah nih..
Abah tak de aku blur apa kurma nak beli. So, ajak alin pi cari kat Giant. Perghh..banyak nyer keluarga kurma nih..dari harga 2 ringgit sampailah beratus2 ringgit. kalau beli kurma mahal2 dapat pahala banyak, nak gak aku beli..he..he..
Pilih punyer pilih, kurma ni yg jadi pilihan aku. Siap ada tangkai lagih. Sedap gak...
Harga dia..RM14.90.
Ni susu peberet aku. Jenama lain tak berjaya menambat hati aku nih. It's a low fat milk with multigrain. Kalau bangun sahur dan rasa tak lalu nak makan. Boleh lah makan kurma 2-3 bijik dan minum susu ni..
Ni lak, standby kot2 lapar, boleh lah makan ngan roti. Tapi makan masa sahur lah..bukan tengah hari..ceehhhh...
Oklah..selamat berpuasa to all..
moga ramadhan ini membawa keberkatan buat kita semua..
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Little Picasso
Masa Danish bawak balik dia punyer "fine" art from school, rasa sayang lak nak buang. Walaupun kadang2 lukisan dia tak baper nampak cam lukisan, cam cakar ayam or cakar kucing ada lah..
dah umur pun baru 4 tahun, what do ou expect kan..so...lahirlah buku nih..
It's a compilation of Danish Fine Art and Crafts..
Ni gambar Danish ngan collections of songs yang dia belajar kat school. Mama arrange dalam power point and print it out. Lucky Uncle lee bagi printer colour.
Ni lak..mmm..may be he pictured him self in his uniform..tapi.tak nampak cam Danish pun..
sebelah tuh, gambar manggosteen and moon. Siap Teacher Shidah bagi sticker car lagih kat Danish. Tuh , considered good lah tuh...
Gambar Danish kat Uptown Sham Alam and his sand art. Tiap kali pi Plaza Alam Sentral, tiap kali tu lah mama kena pow ngan Danish beli sand art nih. Bukan takat tuh jer,,kena tolong Danish peel off dia punyer paper tuh one by one.Danish lak ready ngan coloured sand nak tabur kat atas lah..Dah byk sand art yg Danish buat, tapi byk yg dah pi mana tah. Tak sempat nak selamat kan.
Teacher shidah said that Danish not so interested in colouring tapi minat betul buat collage. Ni salah satu nyer lah, air balloon. Dan lagi satu tuh, puppet the cat.
Ni lak, Danish nyer card masa Mother's Day. Rasa terharu sangat, 1st time dapat card dari danish, walaupun yg tukang tulih mesti teacher shidah. Bukan takat card jer..siap ada small box lagih tempat simpan card. And next page tuh, Danish 1st homework yg mama ambik gambar and print it out.
Banyak lagih art danish yg mama tak sempat nak arrange masuk this book. Maklum jelah, buat ni masa free2 kat lab.
Hopefully, bila Danish besar nanti, all mama's work, effort, passion will be appreaciated. Insyaallah.!
Posted by
mc ta
8:07 AM