Saturday, September 22, 2007

Shopping sakan @ Metro Point Kajang

This is our very first visit here. Selalu nyer, kita orang lalu jer this shopping complex normally on our way to get sate kajang Hj Samuri. But today, we have our vision. To find kasut raya for Danish.
What I can say about this shopping complex? Very Exclusive.
Sumer restaurants dia, fuuuhhh..sumer ada, from Starbucks to Secret Recipe, from Station kopitiam to Lemon Cafe owned by Million dolar producer,Mr David Teo.

This is the ground floor. So many lanterns can be seen since the lantern and moon cakes festival is on.
Abah and his "future" car. I think kita boleh naik next year kot??? :)
taaaraaa...Danish punyer new Nike shoes and bubble gummer slipper.
We bought the nike shoes here. Al-ikhsan metro point kajang.
introducing, Danish with his brand new bubble gummer slipper that we bought in Bata shop.

Total Lost : Nike Shoes -RM159, BBG slipper-RM21.90